Orion Organisation is a non-profit in Atlantis, Cape Town that allows people with disabilities from all ages to reach their full potential.
The organisation was founded in 1979 and currently serves 178 people with disabilities.
It offers a variety of structured programs and facilities such as the Children’s Day Care Centre, Art Centre, Business Development and Sport & Recreation Centre.
According to 702, some adults live at Orion and others visit the facility to participate at the work centre or the adult care facility on a daily basis. The organisation has partnered with various retailers, manufactures and service providers to create job opportunities for locals.
It uses a group home model, where people share family homes and offer each other care and support. Orion also provides transport for the children from school and back home, says fund development manager Veronia Pronk.
“The objective of Orion is not to keep people on our property but to develop everybody from the children right up until the adults in the work centre so that they can move on either to a different schooling environment or as in the case with the adults they can work in the open labour market,” said Pronk.
The art centre showcases the exceptional talent of persons with disabilities, and is mentored by well-known Cape Town artist Richard Scott.
“We’re training these guys to produce art of a quality that can be sold to the public and that they could make a potential career going forward,” said Pronk.
For more information visit the website at www.orionorganisation.org or phone +27 21 572 84900